1. These Regulations define the general conditions, rules and manner

of providing Services by electronic means, via the website
(hereinafter: “Website”) by Cechini – Dystrybucja Limited liability
company with its seat in Zazamcze 23 running business activity under
the name of Cechini – Dystrybucja Limited Liability Company with its
registered office in Zazamcze 23, 33-370 Muszyna NIP: 7343007034
here in after referred to as the Service Provider.

2. Contact with the Service Provider takes place via the e-mail address: and by phone at:
018 571-90-67, 018 471-90-68

3.These Regulations are continuously and free of charge made available by the

Service Provider on the website,
in a way that allows Users to obtain, reproduce and record its
content by printing or saving on a carrier at any time using the
IT system used by the Service Recipient.

4. All rights to the Website, including proprietary copyrights,
intellectual property rights to its name, Internet domain, Website,
as well as to forms, logos, content of publications and graphic materials posted

by the Service Provider belong to the Service Provider,
and the use of them may take place only in the manner specified
and in accordance with the Regulations.

5. It is forbidden to copy, duplicate, modify, reproduce or distribute any part

of the Website, Service or its elements without the prior
written consent of the Service Provider, except as expressly permitted

by the provisions of applicable law and the Regulations. The Service
Provider may take steps, including in court proceedings,
to protect its and Users’ interests.

6. The Service Provider reserves the right to post advertising content on the

Website of the Service regarding the offered Services,
as well as goods and Services of third parties, in the forms used
on the Internet. The use of such offers or services is not part of the Website,

and their rules are determined by relevant third parties.


Terms used in this document have the following meanings:
Service Provider – Cechini – Dystrybucja Limited liability company
running a business under the name of Cechini – Dystrybucja Limited
liability company with its registered office in Zazamcze 23,
33-370 Muszyna, entered into the Central Register and Information
on Economic Activity kept by the Minister of Economy,

NIP: 7343007034, REGON: 92917770
Website / Website – a website available in the domain, the owner and administrator of which is
the Service Provider, under which Users can use the Services offered bythe Service Provider;

User – a natural person running a business, a legal person or
an organizational unit without legal personality, which can view
the information posted on the Website in accordance with their
intended use, as well as use other Services;

Registered User – a User who has registered on the Website and
has an active Account;

Consumer – a User who is a consumer within the meaning of art. 22 of
the Civil Code;

Services – services provided by the Service Provider to Users by
electronic means within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 18 July 2002

on the provision of electronic services

(Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204, as amended);
Consumer Rights Act – the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights
(Journal of Laws 2014, No. 827);
Act on the provision of electronic services – the Act of 18 July
2002 on the provision of electronic services

(Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204 as amended);

Civil Code – the Act of 23 April 1964 (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 93, as amended);


1. As part of the Website, the Service Provider enables Users to use
the Services provided by him, and in particular to view information
posted on the Website, including published articles.

2. The use of the Website may only take place on the terms and to
the extent specified in the Regulations.

3. Minimum technical requirements enabling the use of the Website:
a. Access from a computer:
A device with Internet access,
Access to e-mail,
Internet browser (Internet Explorer – versions: 9, 10, 11,
Safari version 5+, the latest versions of browsers: Microsoft Edge,
Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firefox OS X, Opera, Safari OS X, Google
Chrome, Google Chrome OS X.
Enabling Cookies and Java Script in the web browser.

b. Access from other devices:
iphone / iPad – Safari browser or Google Chrome browser,
Android phone / tablet with Android operating system – Internet browser or Google Chrome,Access to e-mail.

4. It is forbidden for the User to use the Website or Services in a
manner that violates the law, good manners, personal rights of third
parties or legitimate interests of the Service Provider, in particular
the provision of illegal content.

1. The User is obliged to use the Website in a manner consistent with
the law, morality, and the provisions of the Regulations, with respect
for personal rights and intellectual property rights of third parties.

2. The User may not carry out activities aimed at charging the inboxes of other Users or the Service Provider.

3. The User is obliged to enter data in accordance with the facts on
the Website and inform immediately about any changes regarding the
data provided to the Service Provider.

4. Users are obliged to post only truthful content on the Website,
and in particular, the content entered may not mislead other Users.

5. It is not allowed to send advertising messages via the contact form or to the contact

details of Users or the Service Provider.

1. The Services are provided on the terms specified in this document.
2. The Service Provider enables the use of the following free Services via the Website:

a. Viewing information posted on the Website, including viewing articles published on the website,
b. Downloading the recipe to the User’s device,
c. Provision of the Newsletter Service,

3. The conditions for concluding and terminating contracts for the
provision of Services are set out in these Regulations, while the Agreement:

a.for the provision of the Service consisting in viewing the
information posted on the Website is concluded for a definite period
of time and shall be terminated when the User closes the Website’s

b. for the provision of the Newsletter Service is concluded for an
indefinite period and shall be terminated when the User sends a requestto

remove his e-mail address from the Newsletter subscription or to
unsubscribe using the link contained in the message sent as part
of the Newsletter Service.

c. for the provision of the Service of adding statements (comments)
on the Website is concluded for a definite period of time and shall be

terminated upon its addition.

4. The User may receive commercial information from the Service Provider

in the form of messages sent to the e-mail address provided by the
User (Newsletter Service). For this purpose, please provide a valid
e-mail address or activate the appropriate field in the Account
creation form. The user may at any time withdraw consent to the
sending of commercial information. The Newsletter is sent by the
Service Provider only to the User who has subscribed.

5. A User who is a Consumer may, within 14 days from the conclusion
of the contract for the provision of the Services referred to above,
may withdraw from it without giving any reason by submitting an
appropriate statement to the Service Provider as well as by deleting
the Account.

1.All intellectual property rights, including copyrights and industrial property rights,

to the content published by or on behalf of the
Service Provider on the Website pages, including in particular texts,
articles, photographs, graphics, audio-video materials, are the
property of the Service Provider or its licensors.

2. The Service Provider is the author of the articles as well as other content posted

on the Website, unless they have been created by other
people and, therefore, are entitled to proprietary copyrights
and personal rights to these content.

3. The above-mentioned objects of intellectual property rights or any
parts thereof may not be used without the prior written consent of
the Service Provider, except in cases expressly indicated in these
Regulations or specified by law.

1. The User may submit complaints regarding the Services provided
on the Website, in particular their non-performance or improper

2. Complaints may be submitted in writing, in the form of a registered letter,

to the following address: The administrator of your personal
data is Cechini – Dystrybucja Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
with its registered office at Zazamcze 23, 33-370, Muszyna, or by
sending a message to the e-mail address: kontakt @

3. Reporting a complaint should include the name of the person submitting the complaint

(name and surname or company name, address of
residence or registered office, e-mail address) and a description
of the event giving rise to the complaint.

4. The Service Provider undertakes to consider each complaint within 14 days,

and if it was not possible, to inform the User within this period
when the complaint will be considered. In the event of deficiencies in the complaint,

the Service Provider will call the User to supplement it to the extent necessary

within 7 days from the date of receipt of the
request by the User.

5. The consumer has, among others the following options for using
out-of-court complaint and redress procedures:

a. is entitled to apply to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection with a request

to initiate mediation proceedings regarding the
amicable settlement of the dispute between the User and the Service
Provider. Information on how to access the above-mentioned mode
and procedures for resolving disputes can be found at the following address:, in the tab “Settlement of consumer disputes”.

b. The consumer may also file a complaint via the EU ODR internet
platform, available at:

1. The Regulations are available in Polish.
2. Unless mandatory provisions of law provide otherwise,
the law applicable to all disputes arising under these
Regulations is Polish law. The content of these Regulations

may change. Each User will be informed about any changes through the information
on the main page of the Website containing a list of changes
and the date of their entry into force. Users who have an
Account will be additionally informed about the changes along
with their summary to the e-mail address provided by them.
The date of entry into force of the changes will not be
less than 14 days from the date of their announcement.
In the event that the Consumer who has an Account does
not accept the new content of the Regulations,
he is obliged to notify the Service Provider of this
fact within 14 days from the date of notification of the
change in the Regulations, by sending relevant information
to the Service Provider’s e-mail address:
Lack of acceptance results in the termination of the Agreement.

3. Amendments to the Regulations regarding Entrepreneurs enter
into force on the day of their publication on the Website’s websites